3 Things You Should Be Asking Your Lead Generation Company
Maintaining an ever-evolving marketing and lead generation strategy is key for businesses to survive. If you want your business to find success, it’s vital that you make lead generation an integral part of your strategy.
We hear so often from clients that they have been burnt before by Lead Generation and telemarketing companies. Whether you’re working with us, or another external lead generation company, we believe that there are 3 things that you should be asking your lead generation company. There is no shame in asking these crucial questions. In fact, we would argue that regular communication with your lead generation company is the best way that you can ensure that you are getting the most high quality leads possible.
So here’s our 3 questions that we believe you should be asking your Lead Generation Company – even if that is us!
- Data quality – where did it come from?
Data, nowadays, means big bucks. However, for certain companies, they have dollar signs in their eyes and want to make their margins as high as possible. In marketing and lead generation, good data is key to managing a successful marketing campaign. The quality of the data is the the single biggest factor in a campaign’s success or failure. Simply put, it doesn’t actually matter how good the callers are, or how brilliantly the wider campaign is integrated – if you are not speaking to the right people in the right business and offering them something that is relevant and useful to them – your campaign will no doubt fail.
This also means that the client needs to work with the lead generation company in order to make sure that they are targeting the right kind of person and business in their criteria. It’s no good running a campaign with a data list that is missing all of the right details.
2. Who’s on the other end of the phone?
We see so many lead generation campaigns boasting of their huge numbers and people falling into the trap of big numbers = sellable leads. We hope that this is painfully obvious, but in all our years of work, the measure of a good phone campaign is not the number of calls – it’s the quality of the conversations.
Quality is so key in much of life, and a quality conversation beats a lot of things. In lead generation, you need the people on the phone to be able to have a conversation with the prospect – not talk at them.
Whilst there may be some industries out there where the old fashioned volume first campaigns might still work. But in our version of lead gen, badgering people with a quickfire phone script delivered by a bored robotic-sounding caller, doesn’t exist. Having strong conversational skills are key as there can be several calls to a potential prospect – from introduction to the point where they send a properly qualified lead across to the sales team.
Our staff are recruited with years of experience in sales – whether that be face-to-face, b2b or b2c. Real experience both in jobs and in life is what we look for – people who can open up, have rapport and have an educated and respectful conversation with the prospect. When we aim to be an extension of a client’s business, this includes the telemarketer. For clients, the telemarketer is one of their main points of contact over the campaign and having that camaraderie is important.
3. What’s the end game? What’s the goal?
Are appointments sat the main goal? Or do you want a certain number of data bits rang? What is the point of the campaign? For most businesses, they want leads but sadly, over the years of cowboy telemarketers, what makes a ‘lead’ has become a grey area as the quality of calling has reduced.
Due to this, it’s imperative that both sides of the company are aware of what the end goal is when it comes to starting a lead gen campaign. If you’re both on the same page, then very rarely can things go wrong and relationships can’t sour.
We here at The Lead Lab aim to ensure that any campaign we undertake is fully transparent and adheres to the clients full integrated marketing strategy. If you’re in need of lead generation, then we’d love to help. Get in touch today to discuss your requirements further – give us a call on 0333 207 0540 or email on info@theleadlab.com.