Title: Lead Generation Trends in 2023: A Snapshot of the Current Landscape Introduction: In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, lead generation remains a crucial aspect of any successful business strategy. As we enter the year 2023, it is essential for marketers and entrepreneurs to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques. This blog […]
With normality on the horizon, don’t let naivety make your business get left behind
After a troubling year for many businesses, I think we all felt like we were letting out a deep sigh of relief when Boris announced his road map for getting us back to normality. And so with just a few weeks to go until businesses start reopening and office workers return, our question for you […]
3 Things You Should Be Asking Your Lead Generation Company
Maintaining an ever-evolving marketing and lead generation strategy is key for businesses to survive. If you want your business to find success, it’s vital that you make lead generation an integral part of your strategy. We hear so often from clients that they have been burnt before by Lead Generation and telemarketing companies. Whether you’re […]
5 Lead Generation Tactics to Complement B2B Telemarketing
For any marketing and sales professional, one of the biggest challenges that is faced is getting prospects to convert. Some might say that it’s easy to get someone interested in your product/service – but getting them to convert is a pressing problem. When done right, blogging and posting on social networks as part of a […]
Why you should be using LinkedIn to maximise your Lead Generation Campaign
It is very rare to find someone nowadays that doesn’t have any form of social media. Be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn – whatever your poison of choice, there is definitely a social media of some sort for you to dig your teeth into. Social Media is invaluable to Lead Generation – if you’re […]
Slow and Steady Wins The Race
We have all heard the old adage ‘slow and steady wins the race’, and yes it is quite applicable to life, but funnily enough it can also be applied to telemarketing. It is a bit odd, most people think of sales as fast-paced, high energy kind of environment, but sometimes it pays off being slower […]
Dusting off the New Year Blues
How many of you have stuck to your New Year’s Resolutions? We can imagine that many a’ dry January have been ditched and gym memberships neglected, for what starts as a resolution, almost always ends in tradition (which ironically is to not carry out your new year’s plans). As the first month of the year […]