GDPR Storms ‘A Coming!
The four letters that have been branded into everyone’s brain. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is coming into action on May 25th,2018 and it’s a subject every organisation is making sure they’re ready for (or should be!). The regulations are being brought into place with the intention that individuals will have better control over their personal data, and will be enforced throughout the whole of the EU.
Although the sound of the acronym will currently be giving a lot of people ‘the shivers’ due to the sheer severity of the breach fines (up to 2-4% of your annual turnover – yes, you read right…turnover, not profit) it will ultimately be beneficial for everyone. Having control over your personal data will bring spamming and unsolicited contact to an abrupt halt, which is good news for everyone, including those in the marketing industry. It’s good news for consumers because they will no longer be harassed by businesses, and it’s good news for organisations because it will bring back that element of trust, with consumers knowing their data is being handled correctly and professionally.
Here at the Lead Lab, everyone in our database has the right to access to all of their personal records on demand, when requested. This is a policy that we have always had in place, however, it becomes even more relevant with stricter laws coming in to place. As an extension to this, it’s important to recognise that all of our records are stored on a server based in the UK, with regular backups and restricted, safe password access.
All of the data we use for our telemarketing campaigns is kept with an audit log, so we can demonstrate exactly where our data came from and when we obtained it. It’s important to note that all of our records are direct opt-ins; meaning there is no assumed opt-ins or pre-ticked boxes. All of this information is currently being prepared for our website, so anybody can familiarise themselves with our policies and rest assured that we go above and beyond to make sure we are compliant with all regulations.
We always ensure that our processes are in the best interest of the people we are engaging with, which is why we think it’s important to talk about GDPR and make people aware of the changes that are going to occur in the now very near, future.
If you have any questions around the subject of GDPR or are interested in learning more about our lead generation services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on 0333 207 0540.