Telemarketing for Europe’s Biggest Energy Technology Company
Telemarketing for Europe’s Biggest Energy Technology Company
Suresense are an energy technology company who engaged The Lead Lab to reach out to UK manufacturers and through telemarketing campaigns set appointment for their sales team. The Lead Lab was not afraid to take on the largest energy technology company in Europe as their client and they used their tried and tested business model to find just the right telemarketer for the job. The people on the end of the phone are the most important investment that The Lead Lab make when telemarketing.
Darren who is telemarketing on behalf of The Lead Lab handles the Suresense account. Telemarketing for Suresense, Darren talks to heavy capital investment businesses and UK manufacturers where operating costs are a big factor. These are companies that have a minimum of 12,000 square feet and nothing less than £5M turnover, with machines running 24 hours a day. It is Darren’s job to talk to them about how Suresense can reduce their energy usage, making them more efficient and therefore more profitable. He gets them engaged enough to set an appointment for the Suresense sales team, who then go in and make the sale.
“I worked in the renewables industry for 15 years, and even owned my own business, so I know much about what I talk about and I believe in the product – don’t get me started on how great their motor controlling ability is! It is a technical product so the savings speak for themselves and it’s nice to be able to talk to prospects about reducing costs in a business and also fighting climate change. How I convey that on the phone is really important, I talk about how a forward thinking company can save a fortune by using Suresense technologies with their machinery.”
Taking on a large client like Suresense isn’t just about assigning the job to whichever telemarketer is free in the office. It’s about finding the right person to manage the account, understand and enthuse about its product, and provide a real return on investment for the client with appointments being set.
“I’m probably the member of staff that does the least amount of calls in The Lead Lab per day, as it’s all about having a good conversation, not a quick one. Last week I arranged 6 new appointments in one day and only made 35 calls to get there. My colleagues might get through 100-150 calls a day but their value of the sale is a lot lower. With the average Suresense client valued at between £25 – £50K the longevity of clients, I set appointments that need to be suitable. You can’t get away from the nature of the product, and my lead qualification has to be of a higher quality. All our calls are monitored here so the client has complete transparency and the feedback I’ve received from the Suresense tech team (and the inventor of the energy saving product) has been that they really like the fact that I’m very consultative and don’t just bash through the numbers. I represent value for my client.”
When The Lead Lab took on the Suresense account Darren ensured that he understood the product really well. He starts each call by first opening up the prospect on Companies House to check they are solvent and there have been no spikes in profit/loss. He also supplements the conversations with information on Green Funding.
“I come into the office in the morning, get a cup of coffee, pick up the phone and then that’s me I’m chatting all day. I get left alone and trusted to perform, it’s a nice location with trees outside, the people are lovely and I enjoy working here. The value of my results speak for themselves really and they are now expanding and have asked us to get another telemarketer in. That’s a good feeling as manufacturing within the UK is also something I really believe in.”