5 Reasons as to why Telemarketing can be Successful for you in 2020

Some people would say that telemarketing, telesales – even some telephones! – are outdated in 2020. However, we can definitively confirm that this is not the case. The best, well-rounded sales strategies are those that include some type of telemarketing & telesales. By fully implementing a telemarketing team within your marketing & sales activity is […]

How to boost event ROI

We have had some extremely successful telemarketing campaigns in the events sector. Events works very effectively with telemarketing, as they are one of the most effective ways to generate high quality leads and opportunities. You can see a great return on interest when going with a telemarketing agency as getting the right people to attend […]

Start-ups & Lead Generation – A match made in heaven!

Efficiency is key for start ups within their business model. A tighter budget is crucial to the success of a telemarketing/lead gen campaign for startups. Whether you have sourced your budget from  investments, loan companies or another source – keeping a keen eye on the bank account is definitely something that all startups have to […]

Am I too unique for telemarketing?

It is an extremely common concern for companies that are looking into doing telemarketing for their business growth. It is definitely a legitimate concern, but your worries are usually unfounded. The answer is usually that telemarketing can be beneficial for any industry. We’re not going to lie to you, there is always risk when it […]

How to Handle Rejection – A Telemarketers Guide

If you are a telemarketer, it’s imperative to have ‘thick skin’. This industry has unfortunately been given a bad reputation in the past due to underhand sales techniques in the business to consumer industry, however, we overcome this through consistently high results and strong, moral brand values. Although it seems obvious, the best way to […]

Why Growth Is Still Important at Your Peak

Many businesses tend to slow down once they reach their perceived peak. Which is why it remains their peak and usually decreases ongoing. We think the key to success is to keep growing – even when you feel you’re at the top of your game. One of the most important contributors to growth is retention. […]

Finding a ‘Match’ for Your Business

4 people on laptops, phones, tablets

    The chemistry between a telemarketer and the business they are representing isn’t something that can be forced through some kind of app (Tinder Telemarketing? Not so catchy). We think one of the most important ways to ensure the success of a telemarketing campaign is to get the perfect combination of personality, enthusiasm and […]