How To Hit (And Exceed) Your Targets, ‘The Lead Lab Style’.
In sales, we believe there are three ways to keep at the top of your game, and in the telemarketing industry, we know all too well ourselves that remaining enthusiastic and motivated can be challenging at times. That’s why we implement our three golden rules into our selling strategy to help our agents hit – and most importantly – exceed their targets.
Number one; Remain positive. As cliché and cringeworthy as it might sound, maintaining positive despite occasional or even consistent negative feedback will be the ultimate saviour. The reason for this is quite simple; negative thinking will, in turn, produce a negative performance. Even when you aren’t sat face-to-face with someone whilst introducing your business or product, they can still detect your mood and tone from the telephone, and why would anybody buy into pitch if you don’t sound like you live, breathe, eat and sleep it?
That’s why there’s always something going on in The Lead Lab office, with birthday celebrations, staff socials, team building exercises and performer of the week prizes – there’s never a dull moment. We create this culture for the sole reason of maintaining a positive atmosphere, which always reflects on to the telemarketer’s frame of mind. Positive thinking equals positive results and we see these results day in/day out.
Number Two; Focus on the things you can control. When working on a campaign, there are a number of things that could go wrong. From technical issues to a bad batch of data, things happen that you simply cannot control, so why let yourself become stressed? We like to focus our time and energy onto things that we can control, such as product training, learning about the company, gaining an insight into the background and culture of the business and improvement of sales techniques. This allows us to spend extra time and energy on the things we can make a difference with, rather than letting things we can’t change affect our approach.
Finally, Number Three. Remain interested. We know that there is nothing more off-putting than speaking to an discernibly bored telemarketer on the phone. A conversation needs energy, spark and passion in order to keep the prospect engaged and wanting to know more about the product/service. Engaging enthusiastically with a business owner about their pride and joy will always attract great results, as people love to talk about what they love. This detracts the ‘hard sell’ approach that people often associate with telemarketing, and that’s not what we’re about. We’re here to find out whether we can add value to people’s businesses through our clients’ offerings, and we understand that ‘no’ means ‘no’.
We want to assist with the success of our clients, and providing a high ROI lies within the amount of quality leads we produce. We emphasise the quality because we don’t believe in pushing as many leads though as possible, just to ‘hit the numbers’. Ultimately, we want the leads that we generate to have the highest chance of converting into a sale for our client.
To find out more, get in touch on 0333 207 0540.