We understand that you may feel apprehensive when investing in a telemarketing plan, but the best way to experience power over your competitors is to include telemarketing in your strategy. Using internet marketing can be a disadvantage when trying to close the sale as most leads aren’t directly communicating with you. They are just reading […]
UK based telemarketing
A Rewarding Telemarketing Campaign – is it a myth?
When working in sales, there is nothing better than building a really strong pipeline, and one of the most effective methods of doing that is by making calls and starting conversations with your key target market. Implementing a successful telemarketing campaign is a process that many businesses do struggle to achieve. But with time, patience […]
5 Reasons as to why Telemarketing can be Successful for you in 2020
Some people would say that telemarketing, telesales – even some telephones! – are outdated in 2020. However, we can definitively confirm that this is not the case. The best, well-rounded sales strategies are those that include some type of telemarketing & telesales. By fully implementing a telemarketing team within your marketing & sales activity is […]
Finding a ‘Match’ for Your Business
The chemistry between a telemarketer and the business they are representing isn’t something that can be forced through some kind of app (Tinder Telemarketing? Not so catchy). We think one of the most important ways to ensure the success of a telemarketing campaign is to get the perfect combination of personality, enthusiasm and […]