Outsourcing sales has become a popular strategy for many businesses, and for good reason. It can save time, increase efficiency, and ultimately boost revenue. In this blog post, we’ll explore five reasons why outsourcing your sales can be a smart move for your business. 1)Cost savings One of the primary reasons why companies outsource their […]
sales growth
Five Reasons to Outsource Your Sales Team
In today’s competitive business landscape, outsourcing has become a popular practice across various industries. Companies are outsourcing their non-core functions to third-party service providers to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve their focus on core business activities. Sales is one such function that businesses can outsource to gain significant benefits. In this blog post, we’ll […]
B2B Sales Process — Everything You Should Know to Succeed
In today’s competitive market, the success of a B2B business relies heavily on its sales process. A well-defined B2B sales process not only helps businesses streamline their sales operations but also provides a clear roadmap to the sales team, making it easier for them to close deals and generate revenue. In this blog, we’ll discuss […]
The New Normal – Through the Eyes of a B2B Telemarketer
As our usual way of work and life has been changed completely over the past couple of weeks, it has been a challenge for a lot of us to find the ‘new normal’. Working from home, when you’re so used to the office environment and camaraderie, is something that everyone from our offices had to […]
Finding a ‘Match’ for Your Business
The chemistry between a telemarketer and the business they are representing isn’t something that can be forced through some kind of app (Tinder Telemarketing? Not so catchy). We think one of the most important ways to ensure the success of a telemarketing campaign is to get the perfect combination of personality, enthusiasm and […]
Customer Service – The Backbone To Any Business
If you were to ask any business owner, from any industry, how important customer service is to them, I’m certain they would stress how fundamental it is to their success. It can be the make or break of a company, and the sole reason why a prospect is retained and therefore becomes a repetitive buyer. […]
Telemarketing with a Sprinkle of LinkedIn
Who doesn’t like sprinkles, anyway? Here at The Lead Lab, we think it’s important to go the extra mile and offer something a little bit different with our telemarketing. After all, our tagline is ‘We do things differently’, and we make sure we live up to that. As an optional add-on, we team up with […]
Adapting To Become Experts In Every Industry
In the life of a telemarketer, it is essential to adapt to the sector you are representing whilst carrying out a campaign. You need to become a ‘chameleon’ and become a part of the respective industry with a knowledgeable and experienced demeanour. In order to execute this, the first aspect is in-depth product training. This […]
GDPR Storms ‘A Coming!
The four letters that have been branded into everyone’s brain. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is coming into action on May 25th,2018 and it’s a subject every organisation is making sure they’re ready for (or should be!). The regulations are being brought into place with the intention that individuals will have better control over […]
Quality Trumps Quantity
Here at the Lead Lab, we always work by the ethos that quality trumps quantity. It’s what makes our service valuable and retainable. Telemarketing is a competitive industry and quality control is a major factor which affects both reputation and brand; two things we care about a lot. This ideology has shaped a lot […]